
Yannos Kokkinos 22129 Jerusalem Olive Wood Freehand [SOLD OUT]

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Yiannos Kokkinos, the lone pipe maker from Cyprus, resides on the island nation. He completed his studies in Graphic Design in Greece and Fine Arts in Italy and formerly worked as a designer. Yiannos’ pipes are entirely handcrafted using Mediterranean briar and Jerusalem olive wood, and their stems are made from Italian and German ebonite or acrylic, as well as other materials such as metal, bamboo, or olive wood, depending on the pipe’s design. Yiannos’ artisanal pipe-making technique truly showcases his artistic abilities.

Meeting Yannos at the 2023 Chicago Pipe Show was a genuine privilege. He not only dedicated his time to us but also generously gifted us a pipe, with the stipulation that we would not sell it. Instead, he wanted us to experience smoking one of his pipes before offering them for sale. Having smoked several bowls in the Yannos pipe he gave us, we can assert with confidence that he is a highly skilled pipe maker who crafts pipes that offer an excellent smoking experience.

Length: 5.7″

Bowl Width: 19.4″

Bowl Depth: 1.5′

Wight: 1.6oz

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition New