
La Biota Sandblasted Freehand Briar Pipe, Limited Edition [SOLD OUT]

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A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally derives from ecology, and symbolizes the deep connection between humans and nature – a connection well represented by the hand-made tobacco pipe.

This la Biota could be called a poker or a cherrywood, but it is also reminiscent of other, more uncommon shapes, such as the fleur or the ballerina. Perhaps ‘freehand’ will have to do, but whatever one calls it, it is a stunning pipe. The bowl is conical, standing on a small ‘foot’ at its base and opening up at the top, where it shows off a craggy plateau rim. The bowl is also beautifully sandblasted, bringing out the briar’s natural ring grain. The shank is accented with a horn ring – one of Sottocasa’s favorite adornments – and the stem is made from limited edition, swirling pistachio-hued cumberland. As pictured, the pipe is well-balanced, and will stand on its own while not in use, but is also very light, ensuring a comfortable clench while it is.


Length: 4.5″

Bowl Width: 18.2mm

Bowl Depth: 1.53″

Weight: 1.2oz / 35g

Stem: Cumberland

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition New