MBSD Meerschaum Claw, Block Meerschaum Pipe, Fitted Case [SOLD OUT]

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Periodically, we receive inquiries from film production companies seeking pipes for their projects, particularly those requiring examples from specific eras. In a notable instance last year, the production team behind the AMC show Mayfair Watches reached out to us, expressing interest in claw meerschaum pipes. Fortuitously, we had recently acquired a batch from Turkey and presented them with this particular model. The production team swiftly recognized its suitability for the character Cortland Mayfair and promptly agreed to feature it in the show.



Length: 5.5″

Bowl Width: 16.0mm

Bowl Depth: 1.4″

Weight: 1.0oz / 29g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition New